

  • Tianjie Huang (MMath, Oxford 2023) → DRW Holdings
  • Rupert McKay (MMath, Oxford 2023)
  • Georg Meinhardt (MSc in Maths, Oxford 2023)
    • Awarded the OMMS Dissertation Prize for the best dissertation in the MSc Mathematical Sciences at University of Oxford
    • Dissertation: Analytical Lower Bounds on the Probability of at Least m out of N Events
  • Songlan (Nick) Nie (MMath, Oxford 2023) → PhD Rice
  • Ziyue Su (MSc in Maths, Oxford 2023)
  • Shancheng Wang (MSc in Maths, Oxford 2023)


  • Anass Ben Bouazza (MSc in Statistics, Oxford 2022, co-supervised by Quan Zhou) → Shift Technology
  • Qin Su (MSc in Statistics, Oxford 2022, co-supervised by Quan Zhou) → L’Oréal
  • Yi Tu (MMath, Oxford 2022) → Jump Trading
  • Yiran Yang (visiting Oxford in 2022 from CUHK, co-supervised by Alex Shestopaloff) → PhD CUHK
  • Dongsheng Zeng (MSc in Statistics, Oxford 2022, co-supervised by Mihai Cucuringu)
  • Keyi Zhang (MMath, Oxford 2022) → Bank of America